
For Fun


The Powered By Mount Holyoke images are 1280×1024 pixels and may be suitable as desktop wallpaper or Zoom backgrounds on many computers.

Select your computer type below for directions on installing:

» Windows Users
  1. Select desired image from the gallery below. Use arrow keys to change images.
  2. Right click and save to your computer.
  3. Find your saved photo, right click it and press “set as wallpaper.”
» Mac Users (For MAC O/S 8.0 and higher)
  1. Select desired image from slideshow. Use arrow keys to change images.
  2. Save the image to your hard disk. You can do this by dragging it to your desktop in many cases.
  3. Open preferences on your Mac and go to “Desktop & Screen Saver.”
  4. Press the + button in the lower left. Select the image on your hard drive.

Powered By Mount Holyoke Wallpaper