2018 Slate of Nominees for Alumnae Association Board and Committee Positions
The Nominating Committee respectfully submits the following slate of candidates for election at the Annual Meeting, to be held on May 19, 2018. Each candidate has been fully informed of the responsibility and rights of the position and has indicated consent to serve if elected. Members may submit additional nominations as outlined in the bylaws. Recommended changes to the bylaws need to be considered before the slate.
Board of Directors Positions
Treasurer & Finance Chair (2018–2021)
Alice C. Maroni ’75, Alexandria, VA. Chief management officer, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., and certified government financial manager. Master of law & diplomacy, Tufts University; Graduate, National War College. Association: Board of Directors, Director-at-Large 2016–17; Finance Committee member 2012–16. Class: current class agent; former class agent and reunion gift caller. Member, Association of Government Accountants and the American Society of Military Comptrollers (former National President, 1995–96); Member, Board of Directors, Henry L. Stimson Center; Executive Committee chair, Federal Government Small Agency Council; Dept. of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, Joint Distinguished Civilian Service Award, and Distinguished Federal Leadership Award, Assoc. of Government Accountants.
Committee Chairs
Chair, Alumnae Quarterly Committee (2018–2021)
Tara L. Roberts ’91, Atlanta, GA. Director of communications & design, Ashoka; Coach, Red Bull; Cofounder, Girltank. MA in publishing, New York University. Association: Alumnae Quarterly Committee member, 1995–98; 2008–11.
Chair, Nominating Committee (2018–2021)
Danetta L. Beaushaw ’88, Houston, TX. Industrial operations attorney. JD, University of Michigan. Association: Nominating Committee member 2015–18. Class: current reunion chair and cornerstone chair; former president, reunion chair, secretary/scribe, nominating chair, reunion gift caller, mini-reunion chair, cornerstone chair. MH Club of Houston: current president; former secretary, alumnae admissions rep. College: current Mount Holyoke Fund Steering Committee member. Current board secretary, A Shelter for Cancer Families. Awards: Loyalty Award, 2013.
Committee Members
Alumnae Quarterly Committee (2018–2021)
Perrin McCormick Menashi ’90, Newton, MA. PR & communications director, Gensler. MA in art history, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Class: Reunion chair, 2009–10; Nominating Committee member, 2004–05; Coscribe, 1990–95. Boston Club: President, 2005–07; Member-at-Large, 2007–09; Membership Cochair, 2017–present. Western Suburbs Club: Communications chair, 2012–13; Nominating Committee member, 2012; South Hadley Club: Nominating Committee chair, 1992–93; Membership chair, 1992–93.
Susana M. Morris ’02, Atlanta, GA. Associate professor, School of Literature, Media, and Communication at the Georgia Institute of Technology; Cofounder, Crunk Feminist Collective. PhD in English, Emory University. Chair, Board of Directors, Charis Circle.
Alumnae Trustee and Nomination Committee (2018–2021)
Catherine C. Burke ’78, Redondo Beach, CA. Vice president, Bank Leumi USA. MBA, Boston College. Association: Alumnae trustee (2013–18); Chair, Nominating Committee (2004–07); Member, Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee (2003–10); Member, Finance Committee (1994–97); Treasurer (1998–2001). Class: former reunion chair, head class agent, secretary/scribe, cornerstone chair, nominating committee member, class agent, reunion lead gift chair, reunion gift chair, reunion scribe, reunion gift caller. MH Club of Southern California: former president/contact. Boston Club: former alumnae rep. Awards: Medal of Honor, 2003.
Tina Young Poussaint ’79, Chestnut Hill, MA. Professor of radiology, Harvard Medical School, Attending Neuroradiologist; Chair of Institutional Review Board, Boston Children’s Hospital. MD, Yale University School of Medicine. Association: Alumnae trustee (1999–2004); Member, Alumnae Trustee Nominations Committee (2017-18). Class: Former Nominating Committee member. Awards: Mary Lyon Award, 1993.
Classes and Reunion Committee (2018–2021)
Jessica Padgett ’05, Goodlettsville, TN. Residency & clerkship coordinator, Vanderbilt University. Master of education, University of Washington. Class: Current reunion chair; Former website coordinator; Reunion program chair.
Kathleen Burke Laird ’95, Bolton, MA. Instructional assistant of special education, Nashoba Regional School District. Master of education, Early Childhood-Elementary Education, New York University. Class: Former reunion chair; Coscribe; Reunion booklet chair; Reunion name tag chair; Vice President. Club of Worcester MA: Current vice president; Former book group coordinator and book award sponsor. College: Former alumnae admissions representative.
Shalom C. Stephens ’94, Las Vegas, NV. Self-employed solo attorney and Of Counsel to Loeb & Loeb LLP. JD, New York Law School. Class: Former reunion chair; Former vice president.
Clubs Committee (2018–2021)
Margaret M. Trenis ’07 New York, NY. Senior manager, Sotheby’s. MA, Columbia University. Manhattan Alumnae Region: Alumnae rep assistant (2012–14); Alumnae rep book award sponsor (2012–14). MH Club of New York, NY: Vice president (2015–16); Member, Program Committee (2014–15); Vice president & program chair (2013–14); Program chair (2012–13); Member, Program Committee (2011–12); Young Alumnae chair (2011–12); 7-College Conference Rep (2011–12). Awards: Young Alumnae Volunteer Leadership Award, 2017, Frances Mary Hazen Fellowship, 2010.
Ahu Resimcioglu Terzi ’96, New York, NY. Corporate director of sales, Meredith Corporation. Class: Vice president (2016–present). Alumnae International Student Sponsorship: Member/Participant (2016–present). Brooklyn Alumnae Region: Alumnae Rep (1999). MH Club of New York, NY: Communications chair (2016–present), Program Committee member (1999–2005), Christmas Concert (1998–99). Turkey Alumnae Region: Alumnae Rep assistant (2011–14), Alumnae Rep Book Award sponsor (2010–14). Awards: Robert P. Sibley Prizes, 1993.
Communications Committee (2018–2021)
Andrea D. Brown ’06, New York, NY. Sr. Director, Sales & Client Development, Triad Retail Media. Previously senior director, Strategic Partnerships, eBay; Director, Triad Retail Media; Programmatic Sales, Moguldom Media Group LLC; Digital advertising yield manager, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia; Inventory & media management supervisor, Viacom. Alumnae Association: ALANA Legacy of Diversity Committee member (2007–12).
Sandi H. Sonnenfeld ’85, Poughkeepsie, NY. Owner, Sonnenfeld Professional Writing Services. Previously, director of public relations & firm-wide communications, Kaye Scholer LLP. MH Club of Puget Sound Washington: Newsletter/Directory Editor/Chair (1995–97, 1999–2000); President/Contact (1996–99); Vice president (1995–96). Seattle Alumnae Region: Alumnae Rep assistant (1994–96). Founding/Managing Editor, The Lyon Review (online literary magazine for MHC grads and faculty).
External Awards Committee (2018–2021)
Melissa Sherman Tassinari ’75, Harwich, MA. Previously, senior clinical advisor, US Food and Drug Administration; Senior director, head strategic policy management, Pfizer, Inc. PhD in anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin. Class: Former reunion gift caller. Diplomat, American Board of Toxicology. Past president, Teratology Society.
Anne F. Hyde ’82, Norman, OK. Professor, University of Oklahoma; Editor, Western History Association’s Western Historical Quarterly. PhD in history, University of California, Berkeley; MA in history, University of California, Berkeley. MH Club of Louisiana: Membership chair (1990–91). Awards: Mary E. Woolley Alumnae Fellowship. American Historical Association; Western Historical Association.
Finance Committee
Raluca Z. Dalea ’01 (2018–2020), Houston, TX. Former SVP/Associate Director, Macquarie Bank Limited. MBA in finance, University of Texas. Association: Member, Alumnae Relations Committee (2008–11). Class: Current class agent. New York Club: Former secretary; Program chair; Young alumnae chair; Alumnae rep assistant. Houston Club: Current vice president; Treasurer.
Sharyanne J. McSwain ’84 (2018–2021), Brooklyn, NY. Chief financial and administrative officer, StoryCorps. MBA in marketing, INSEAD. Association: Board of Directors, Director-at-Large (2009–12). New York Club: Former secretary; Alumnae rep assistant.
Fellowship Committee (2018–2020)
Dr. Frances M. Lussier ’73, Silver Spring, MD. Previously, Congressional Budget Office. PhD in chemistry, MIT. Association: Alumnae Honors Research Committee chair (2008–11); Member (2004–07). Class: Former vice president; Reunion gift caller; Cornerstone representative; Class agent. Awards: Loyalty Award, 2013.
Internal Achievement Awards Committee
Sabrina L. Maurer ’90 (2018–2021), Guilford, CT. Scientific portfolio lead, Envision Pharma Group. Pharm.D. in pharmacology, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. College: Former Annual Funds Committee; Current member, Mount Holyoke Fund Volunteer Steering Committee. Class: Current treasurer; Former head class agent; Class agent; Reunion gift caller. Awards: Loyalty Award, 2015.
Sarah B. (Sally) Michaelec ’76 (2018–2021), Boise, ID. Community volunteer. Class: President (1991–96); Class agent (1996–2000, 2001–05, 2006–present); Reunion gift caller (1990–91, 1995–96, 2000–01, 2005–06); Nominating Committee chair (2005–06); Nominating Committee member (1995–96, 2001–05); Reunion memorabilia chair (2000–01); Cornerstone representative (1991–95). Puget Sound Club: President (1985–91). Boise Alumnae Informal Group: President (1993–present); Book Award chair (2003–06); Alumnae admissions rep. (2003-10). Awards: Loyalty Award, 2016.
Anna Bennett Robertson ’04 (2018–2020), Williamstown, MA. Financial assistant, Williams College Athletics Department. Certificate in design, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. College: Current Mount Holyoke Fund Volunteer Steering Committee member. Class: Current head class agent. MH Club of Boston: Former president. Association: Clubs Committee (2012–13). Awards: Young Alumnae Volunteer Leadership Award, 2014.
Nominating Committee (2018–2021)
Dr. Elizabeth M. Stone, MD ’75, Ann Arbor, MI. Previously, physician-pediatrician. MD, Rush University; Residency, University of Michigan System. Association: Clubs Committee member (2001–04). Class: Former secretary. Ann Arbor Club: Former president; Vice president; Treasurer; Officer; Program chair; Newsletter editor; Alumnae rep; Sesquicentennial coordinator; Social chair.
Volunteer Stewardship Committee
Susan A. Mann-Whitten ’81, Westborough, MA. Principal, Zeh Elementary School. Association: Alumnae Development Committee member (2002–03); Annual Funds Committee member (2003–05). Class: Current reunion Cochair; Former reunion chair; Reunion gift chair; Reunion lead gift chair; Head class agent; Cornerstone representative; Class agent.
Alumnae Trustee
Mary V. Hughes, ’74 (2019–2024), Palo Alto, CA. President, Hughes & Company, political consultant. JD, University of Virginia. Awards: EMERGE CA Woman of the Year 2007, CA WOMEN LEAD Woman of the Year 2012, Huffington Post 50 Women Who Made the 2012 Elections, Women’s ENews 21 Women for the 21st Century 2012.
See the Bylaws Changes Recommended by the Alumnae Association Board.
April 13, 2018