Web Extras for Spring 2011 "A Voice of Promise"
If you enjoyed the Quarterly article about gospel singer Funteller Thomas Jackson FP’94, you can:
• View a photo of Jackson in action
• Listen to Jackson sing and talk about gospel music (choose from clips or the full lecture/performance below)
• Learn more about gospel from Jackson’s recommended reading and viewing list.
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• Learn more from her recommended reading (and movie) list about gospel music
According to Jackson, “One of the challenges of gospel music resources is there are not many written sources; it was and is today primarily an oral tradition. That being said, the following resources are the ones I have used for the historical context of my gospel presentations. The Pioneer Valley (UMass-Amherst) was blessed to have Gospel Scholar Professor Horace Boyer for years, teaching and conducting gospel music. My daughter Felicia Y. Thomas ’84 studied under Dr. Boyer, and that is how I met him.”
The Golden Age of Gospel (Music in American Life) by Horace Clarence Boyer and photography by Lloyd Yearwood (Feb. 15, 2000)
How I Got Over: Clara Ward and the World-Famous Ward Singers by Willa Ward-Royster, told to Toni Rose and forward Horace Clarence Boyer (April 20, 2000)
How Sweet the Sound: The Golden Age of Gospel by Horace Clarence Boyer and photography by Lloyd Yearwood (Sept. 1995)
The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times – 25th Anniversary Edition (Hal Leonard Reference Books) by Anthony Heilbut
We’ll Understand It Better By and By: Pioneering African American Gospel Composers (The “Wade in the Water” series) by Bernice Johnson Reagon (Dec. 17, 1992)
Say Amen, Somebody: This documentary about gospel music was described by film critic Roger Ebert as “one of the most joyful movies I’ve ever seen. It is also one of the best musicals and one of the most interesting documentaries. And it’s a terrific good time.” See the film’s trailer here.
March 30, 2011
Glad to hear this, Funteller. You are amazing! Wish we had gospel singing where I live.