13 Reasons it’s Fun to be a Mount Holyoke Woman
Everyone knows that Mount Holyoke women are smart, strong, and capable. But they’re also extremely clever and fun. After it all, it takes brains to be funny right? And theirs is a particular sense of humor—sardonic, witty, and sometimes a little bawdy. Here are thirteen reasons why it’s fun to be a Mount Holyoke woman:
They don’t need a house or dorm room to party.
In fact, they’re down to party anywhere.
They love poultry.
So much so that their unofficial mascot is a goose…
who has his own social feeds.
They know how to sport a costume…
even when they’re 80 years old.
They’re experts at making signs…
and decorating them.
They inspire humor in their professors…
who may be funny regardless.
They poke fun at Mount Holyoke…
but still think it’s the best place in the world.
June 6, 2014
Mount-Holyoke women make innovations from small issue surrounding and to influence others.