
Graduate Summer Program for Educators

Students sit around a circular table and talk

Expeditionary Learning Slice:

Wednesday through Friday, July 10–12, 2019

8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.


Alumnae educators are invited to join the Mount Holyoke Masters of Arts in Teaching​ (MAT) ​program for a special workshop with current MAT students. Attendees will receive certificates of attendance to take back to their districts to earn PDPs.

Expeditionary Learning Slice​ (EL Slice) provide​s an interdisciplinary experience​ ​over a three-day period, ​during which participants are divided into teams that delve into a historical event that occurred in the Pioneer Valley. Rigorous research, collaboration, innovation and full participation are required.

After seventeen years of effort to stay right on top of the latest developments in foreign language education, EL Slice gave me a new framework through which I can reexamine my practices and make my students’ language learning experiences deeper and more authentic. It was time well spent. And I couldn’t have asked for a more delightful group of people to work with! Barbara Bitgood ’99

Students stand around a presenter in a forest

The goal of EL Slice is to:

  • Work with teacher candidates and teachers to become passionate about using ​critical thinking, constructivist and​ object​-​based pedagogy in their classrooms.
  • Provide opportunities for participants to continually reflect on their learning as both teachers and students.
  • Model a methodology that can be implemented or transferred to any other educational setting, depending on where the participant teaches.
  • ​Provide a model for educators by actively involv​ing​ and engag​ing them​ in their own learning.
  • Create an exciting and innovative learning environment.
  • Illustrate how to seamlessly connect current and historical events ​to ​curriculum ​frameworks or ​state ​standards.
  • Work with teachers to provide their students with authentic learning experiences.

We believe that when students and teachers engage in work that is authentic, challenging and adventurous, they thrive!

For more information on the program, please contact Catherine Swift.

If you will need overnight accommodations, please visit the College’s list of off-campus lodging options. The cost of lodging is the responsibility of the alumna.