Female Gaze: In Stitches

One of more than 100 student organizations, Knit Happens was founded in 2011 as Mount Holyoke’s fiber arts club. Eight years later, the group is still going strong, with an average of 15 active members — and an engaged Facebook group of more than 100 past and current members — who meet weekly on Tuesday evenings in Shattuck’s Cassani Lounge. Members gather, helping beginners learn how to crochet or knit and giving pointers on new techniques for more experienced crafters. The club also offers a “library” of materials that students can borrow, including crochet hooks, knitting needles and notions (yarn needle, measuring tape, etc.).

Each fall, Knit Happens holds a weeklong sale on campus that funds the club’s activities, including an annual trip to the Fiber Festival of New England at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts. And this past spring, the group partnered with Amnesty International to craft handmade winter wear for housing-insecure women in Holyoke.

Follow Knit Happens on Instagram @knithappensmhc.

—By Emily Krakow ’20

A crocheted yellow giraffe

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This article appeared in the summer 2019 issue of the Alumnae Quarterly.

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6 responses to “Female Gaze: In Stitches”

  1. Kara A. Lobdell says:

    How may one donate craft tools to the equipment library? I have stopped using straight and DPN knitting needles (in favor of circular needles), and would rather donate these to a good cause than throw them out or send them to the Goodwill store.

  2. Darienne Dennis says:

    Do you sell items made by members??
    How would we see if we’re interested??

    Darienne Dennis

  3. Liza Paden says:

    is that beautiful shawl for graduation? I heard about it.

  4. Anne says:

    Hi! Just FYI, the giraffe is not knitted, it’s crocheted.

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