Reunion 2015
Alumnae return to campus to celebrate Reunion 2015
More than 1,200 alumnae from classes ending in fives and zeroes and generations that span nearly a century traveled back to campus from across the globe for a single shared cause—their love of Mount Holyoke College. From thought-provoking Back-to-Class sessions to outlandish parade costumes to M&Cs with classmates in the dorms, the two weekends of Reunion were filled with alumnae celebrating their connection to one another and to the beautiful campus they still call home.
Alumnae celebrated the many long-standing reunion traditions such as the Laurel and Alumnae Parades, the Annual Meeting, and the Saturday Picnic, and took part in more recent ones like the Welcome Ceremony for New Alumnae and the first-ever Fun Zone on Skinner Green, which featured glitter tattoos, face painting, balloon animals, and more.
Both weekends featured Back-to-Class sessions, where alumnae participated in thought-provoking discussions led by faculty, staff, and sister alumnae on the theme of transformation. The parade during each weekend was also a highlight, with alumnae dressed in white and carrying signs in their class colors to show off their distinct history and personality.
Following the parade, classes gathered in Chapin Auditorium to celebrate by reading their class histories, recognize alumnae award winners, and announce fundraising goals.
Highlights from the Weekends
Alumnae Award Winners
Congratulations to the 2015 alumnae award winners, recognized for outstanding achievements and dedicated service to the Association and/or College. The Alumnae Association’s reunion awards program recognizes the contributions of outstanding alumnae. Two volunteer alumnae award committees select recipients based on a twelve-month vetting process that includes extensive research on each nominee. View a complete list of 2015 winners or nominate an alumna.
Reunion in Photos
Mount Holyoke alumnae posted, Tweeted, and Instagrammed almost every moment of Reunion 2015. Scroll through below to see highlights from the two weekends.
February 17, 2016
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