
Summer Quarterly 2005

Quarterly Cover_summer2005


Forgive Can't Forget banner

Forgive/Can’t Forget

Like all of the other seven-year-old girls in my religious sect, I had an operation that removed part of my

To Boldly Go

Dr. Me-Iung Ting, class of 1918, stopped at nothing when it came to improving the health of women and children.


Forgive Can't Forget banner

Forgive/Can’t Forget

Like all of the other seven-year-old girls in my religious sect, I had an operation that removed part of my

To Boldly Go

Dr. Me-Iung Ting, class of 1918, stopped at nothing when it came to improving the health of women and children.


The Maven: How to Take a Great Group Photo with Your Mobile Phone

We are all photographers. Each one of us carries in our pocket an amazing tool to take family photos, pictures

Protecting yourself financially during divorce

I HAVE BEEN PRACTICING AS a financial advisor in divorce for more than 25 years, and in the last 10

On Display: A Dressed up Affair

Titanic-era gown of Katharine Condon Foster, class of 1914 When Carolyn Chesebrough Foster ’58 moved to her husband’s childhood home