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Kat Cope ’03: Molds Memory into Armor

With Fellowship, Alumna Constructs Inspired Art Installation With the help of the Mary E. Woolley Fellowship, Kat Cope ’03 is

Sehba Sarwar ’86 Answers “What is Home?”

Alumna Wins Fellowship to Pen New Memoir The 1905 Fellowship, awarded last spring by the Alumnae Association to Sehba Sarwar ’86,

Miriam’s Words (Chicago)

Miriam’s Words—an in-depth, real-time account of the life of the spouse of a public servant in the mid-twentieth century—is a

President’s Pen: Summer 2014

It’s hard-wired into me. There comes a moment in late July when I begin thinking about the start of school.

The Female Gaze: Summer 2014

Oil on Canvas The children in Jude Harzer’s ’87 paintings seem to stare boldly from the canvas, as if refusing