Class Roles & Responsibilities
Class officers are elected for five-year terms and serve from one reunion until the next. The Frances Perkins class elects officers for four-year terms, and the class officers of the graduating seniors serve until their two-year reunions. Want to volunteer for your class? Contact your class officers.
For more information, read the Class Officer Handbook.
- Oversees new officers and ensures continuity from previous officers
- Leads development and implementation of five-year plan for the class
- Maintains regular contact with the class board and makes decisions about class activities
- Works with the communications coordinator on class outreach and communications plan
- Approves budget and bills for payment
- Leads class reunion planning
- Writes at least one class letter and calls class board meetings
- Attends a reunion planning workshop prior to Reunion
- Presides over the reunion class meeting and presents the class history at the Association’s formal reunion meeting
- Informs the Association of class honoraries and invites them to the class social hour and dinner
- Works with head class agent and Advancement Office as needed and helps to foster a positive fundraising environment
- Appoints Nominating Committee chair and selects two other members
- Delivers final class officer slate to the Association by Sunday of Reunion, notifies all newly elected officers, and helps with the transition of records and the treasury
- Writes a letter to the class after Reunion to thank reunion organizers and announce the new class board
Vice President
- Fulfill duties as assigned by the president (duties should be outlined by class board prior to soliciting candidates for position)
- Works closely with president and may assume presidential role as necessary
- May chair Reunion, organize and promote mini-reunions, and write class letters
Reunion Chair
- Attends the Reunion Planning Workshop 8 months prior to Reunion
- Organizes the class’s reunion, with assistance from the president and reunion committee
- Appoints the reunion committee chairs, outlines their duties and responsibilities, consults with them frequently, follows up on plans, and makes deadlines clear
- Serves as the primary contact to Alumnae Association staff
- Writes or co-writes two reunion class letters—due in October and February
- Develops the reunion budget with assistance of the treasurer, class board, and reunion committee
The secretary/scribe position may be combined or split, depending on the class.
- Preserves class records, keeps minutes of board and class meetings, and retains meeting minutes book
- Supervises the collection and storage of all permanent class records and memorabilia, except for the records kept by the scribe, class agent, and treasurer (contact Archives & Special Collections at the College for advice)
- Assists the executive committee with the preparation of letters and publications
- Occasionally assists the president and reunion chair, as requested, in preparing a letter to the class
- Gathers, verifies, and prepares class news items, which are forwarded to the Alumnae Quarterly class notes editor four times a year. See the Scribe’s Guide.
- Maintains a file of classmate correspondence and news
- Coordinates with president and communications coordinator to solicit news and accomplishments from classmates
- Notifies Alumnae Information Services of classmate address changes
- Notifies Alumnae Information Services of the death of a classmate and arranges for the publication of a tribute. News of a death must be verified by a dated newspaper clipping and/or a letter from a relative. A personal tribute by a classmate who knew the deceased is desirable, but the scribe may also opt to contact a family member for a tribute.
- Appoints regional assistants, as necessary, to relay news from different regions
Social Chair
Upon graduation, the senior class social chairs become the class reunion chairs for the two-year reunion.
- Maintains permanent, accurate records of all class funds, and transfers them to her successor at the end of her term
- Establishes and maintains bank account. See treasury guidelines.
- Completes and submits an Annual Financial Report (Form C) to the Alumnae Association by July 31 each year
- Collects dues authorized by the class. (A minimum of $35.00 for every five-year period is recommended, although many classes ask $35 to $75 for a five-year period.)
- Records and promptly deposits all receipts
- Promptly pays all bills approved by the class president (approval may be indicated via email, attached to the paid bill, and filed)
- Reconciles bank statements on a monthly basis
- Sends financial reports to the president at least every six months (format should match the Annual Financial Report)
- Attends class board meetings or provides written accounting reports
- Transfers the treasury and records to the new class treasurer by September 15 following Reunion
- Schedules meeting with new treasurer to update her on the state of the class treasury
- Has books reviewed by another class officer or someone appointed by the president at least once every five years. See treasury guidelines.
- Arranges to have sufficient reserve funds available preceding Reunion, so that bills may be paid promptly for expenses incurred before reunion fees are paid
- Deposits all checks for class fees and pays all reunion bills
- Brings the class checkbook to Reunion to reimburse volunteers as needed
- Settles balance due to the Alumnae Association immediately after receipt of bills
- Reports on reunion finances to the class president and the incoming class treasurer by August following Reunion
Class Communications/Web Coordinator
- Creates, maintains, and updates the class website and/or other class social media channels (may require a co-coordinator depending on volume)
- Works with other class officers, and the Association as needed, to market upcoming events and activities to classmates
- Attends class board meetings
- Aims to increase engagement and communication among class members
- Possesses basic skills/knowledge of photography, photo editing, web design and maintenance, and/or social media
Head Class Agent
- Reports to MHC Advancement Office
- Responsible for class fundraising goal to The Mount Holyoke Fund each year
- Motivates and manages team of class agents, Cornerstone callers, and reunion gift callers
- Appoints planned giving chair in consultation with the Advancement Office after 20th reunion
Nominating Committee
- Nominating Committee consists of five members: three elected by the membership at Reunion and two appointed by the president
- The president appoints the chair (recommended to be one of the three elected members)
- Nominating Committee selects candidates for elected class officers and submits official slate for class elections
- Chair contacts all committee members, makes assignments of positions to be filled, sets up timeline, and prepares slate for distribution to class prior to Reunion
- Chair sets up a conference call no later than early fall of the reunion cycle to start the process