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Tafadzwa Muzhandu ’05, Jennifer Kyker ’02, Memory Bandera ’04 Bringing Hope and Help to Zimbabwe’s Orphans

What started as a high-school fascination with traditional African music eventually led Jennifer Kyker ’02 to found an organization that

Growing Up, Growing Hope, Growing Food: Michelle Obama’s Garden

When the news first hit that Michelle Obama was starting an organic vegetable garden, I became obsessed, reading everything about

Humble Crusader: Tashi Zangmo FP’99 Promotes Female Education in Bhutan

 Many an alumna has been described as “following in Mary Lyon’s footsteps,” but the comparison fits Tashi Zangmo FP’99 better

Tattoos: Stories in Ink

I got my first tattoo a month after my twenty-first birthday. I had been imagining it for six months and

Down to Earth: Bringing Green Living Home

These days, “green” living is a mark of chic. It’s as common to hear people boast about their new Prius