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A Closer Look: Seeing in 3-D… at Last

Sue Barry remembers the first time she saw the world in three dimensions. She had just come out of her optometrist’s

Family vs. Work: Do You Really Have to Choose?

The Quarterly arrives. I open to the class notes, and sigh. Another mother of three gets a promotion at her multinational corporation. Or publishes a book.

Battling Bullying: What to Do When Push Comes to Shove

The story of Phoebe Prince, a fifteen-year-old student at South Hadley High School who took her own life last January after being

Chocolate for Breakfast … Vegan for Lunch?

Barbara Passino ’69 always thought that American breakfasts were often the worst meal of the day. So when she and her husband

Journey into Africa

Alumnae confront the challenges with thoughtfulness, humanity, and success Like so many others in America, Jennifer Kyker ’02 had seen