2019 Mount Holyoke European Alumnae Symposium in Greece

Registration & FeesProgramOptional ToursAccommodationsPhoto GalleryOrganizing CommitteePractical Guide
Changing Minds and Lives
Athens / Fougaro, Greece October 4–6, 2019
Themed “Changing minds and lives,” the 15th Mount Holyoke European Alumnae Symposium, taking place in Greece October 4-6, 2019, will offer participants an exciting opportunity for social and intellectual interaction among Mount Holyoke alumnae from all over the world. Join us for a weekend filled with inspiration and energy, in which we will focus on how to view change as a growth and learning opportunity.
We constantly hear that the world around us is changing. Change does not discriminate, does not see privilege, gender, color, age, etc. It can take place around us or within us. Change can affect all of us at any given time. But, is change a bad thing? Is it something to fight against? Or is it perhaps an opportunity to seize? And what if the world is not changing in the way that we want it to? Does it then become a challenge to address, to guide and lead?
Greece is a country with a long history marked by changes. These changes are reflected in its landscape, history, architecture, literature, economy and social structure. What better place on earth to discuss the complexities of change and how we can address or embrace them than Greece?
Our special guests include:
- Sonya Stephens, president of Mount Holyoke College
- Maria Z. Mossaides ’73, president of the Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College
Our speakers and panelists include:
- Dia Anagnostou ’91, associate professor of politics at Panteion University of Social and political sciences and senior research fellow at ELIAMEP
- Jens Christiansen, professor emeritus of economics
- Jette Christiansen ’01, refugees/migration expert
- Ioli Christopoulou ’01, co-founder and policy director, The Green Tank
- Anastasia Dimitropoulou ’97, neuroscientist
- Maddy Hewitt ’84 , executive director, Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools (NESA)
- Zeynep Kurmuş Hürbaş ’96, head of communications, The Koç School & Civic Initiative Volunteer
- Kavita Khory ’84, Ruth Lawson Professor of Politics and newly appointed Carol Hoffmann Collins Director of the McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives
- Georgia Koumantaris ’82, school psychologist
- Martha Murray FP’91, clinical social worker
As a true Mount Holyoke gathering, the Symposium will offer an opportunity to broaden intellectual horizons, socialize, meet different generations of alumnae and, of course, have great fun! The event will start on Friday in Athens with optional tours and a very special evening program and gala dinner with a unique and spectacular view of the Acropolis. On Saturday, participants will be able to discover “Fougaro,” a historic industrial space located in the Peloponnese, which has been transformed into a vibrant and highly prestigious cultural center by fellow alumna Florica Kyriacopoulos ’76. Fougaro will offer the perfect setting for inspiring panel discussions and some relaxed socializing. The event will close in Athens at noon on Sunday.
Make your plans to join us on the weekend of October 4-6, 2019, in Greece! You will receive an email inviting you to register soon. Financial assistance will be available.
We look forward to seeing you in Greece!
Ioli Christopoulou ’01
On behalf of the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Group of Greece
October 17, 2019
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