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A House Becomes a Home: Inside the New Residence Hall

In late August, the first students moved into the first residence hall to be built on campus in more than

Family Vs. Work: Do You Really Have to Choose?

By Lisa Wlodarski Romano ’89   The Quarterly arrives. I open to the class notes, and sigh. Another mother of

Alberto’s ‘Daughters’—MHC Bonds Buoy Professor Through Troubled Times

Professor of Spanish Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez remembers his fortieth birthday party in 1994 as a death-taunting celebration. No one present thought

When Down Leads to Up

Downshifting Brings Upsurge in Quality of Life While most drivers leave gear choice to their automatic transmission, some prefer the

Fifty Million Missing Women

Rita Banerji ’90 Fights Female Genocide According to Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, there should be millions more women and girls