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1960 Alumnae Survey Results

¶ ¶ In June 1960, alumnae opened their mailboxes to an extensive survey sent out by the Alumnae Association. Two

Honoring Alumnae

¶ ¶ Since 1937, when the Medal of Honor was first awarded on the occasion of the College’s centennial year,

Words from Wise Alumnae

¶ The summer 1963 Alumnae Quarterly included a four-page illustrated article by “two very wise alumnae,” Henrietta Howell Slote ’51

Advertisements in the Quarterly

¶ ¶ Starting with the earliest issues of the Alumnae Quarterly, companies such as Tiffany and Co., Jell-O, and General Electric

2016 Slate of Nominees for Alumnae Association Board and Committee Positions

The Nominating Committee respectfully submits the following slate of candidates for election at the Annual Meeting to be held on